You can delete the utp that is included in the mandalor-armor-mod because the armor is included in tar05_corpsepile.utp and the original placeable makes many bugs.
If you have installed NodakRattler&Albundy/Montross Mandalor-Armor you will be asked to override g_a_class8088.uti, ia_class8_009.tga, PFBG09.tga and PMBG09.tga this is OK, they are the same files. Installation: Just copy all files into your SWKotOR - Override - Directory. The third Armor can be found on the corpse epile in the Taris -Sewers. The second armor can be found on the Sith-Corpse in the Taris-Slums (where you find the rakgoul-serum). You will find it on the corpse of the Commander. To get the Commander-Armor you have to attack the Sith-Soldiers in the slums of taris. One Commander armor and two soldier armors with a little bit differnt skins and different icons. Description: This creates three new Sith-armors for KotOR.